Everything about aids testify that it came from a lab; big disease like aids does not come sudden. Primary diseases always have a secondary front runner, every thing has on history, but aids does not. The popular so-called scientific view is said to be that aids came from monkey in […]
Black Americans contribute more to white Americans than white Americans knew and even can comprehend. White Americans are better people today because of the contact with Black Americans, it could even be said that slavery was designed to bring white Americans out of the jungle; ‘that there are more to […]
If God spoke to you, then you cannot die. Every thing that God do is forevery. 1000 of our years makes one Paradise day
You got to have eternal life for God to speak to you as a person, for God is eternal
Jesus mother mix with half the race in this world and his father mix with the other half. Jesus in compact constitute all the race of the world. The perfect racial mix