Month: August 2011

History World

And when the sons of God went to presents themselves before the Most High, Lucifer went also

Caligastia is a deposed one time Planetary Prince of this world, people of old called him “the devil.”
“The prince of darkness.” “Evil in high places” who betray his trust and cast his lot with Lucifer and Satan
about 300, 000 years ago and who subsequent set a trap, 28,000 years ago, for Adam and Eve who fell in
after they arrived in this world, caused them to stumble; his real name is Caligastia.



And when I entered into the secret place of the Most High Mussolini suddenly was called into judgment, and I was elected to sat into the judgment seat. When Mussolini name was called, he did not answer to his name nor stood up in judgment. And I went over to […]